
A mostrar mensagens de junho, 2016

Early Detection and Referral of Children with Malnutrition

Home   »  Early Malnutrition Detection and Referral   »  Detection and Referral of Children with Acute Malnutrition   »  Screening for Acute Malnutrition Detection and Referral of Children with Acute Malnutrition Screening for Acute Malnutrition Acute malnutrition is a result of recent (short-term) deficiency of protein, energy together with minerals and vitamins leading to loss of body fats and muscle tissues. Acute malnutrition presents with wasting (low weight-for-height) and /or presence of pitting oedema of both feet. Screening for Acute Malnutrition should be done at any contact points; children wards, immunization points, community out-reaches, ART sites, young child clinics, counselling units and psycho social groups. Community-based service providers can also perform malnutrition screening provided that they are adequately trained and equipped. Screening for acute malnutrition includes Use and interpretation of ...


Wednesday, 21 October 2009 AETL Fó Obsaun Rua Bá Xanana Hasai Vise MS Hanjan Ou Enfermeirus Greve Dili, Tempo Semanal Edisaun 162 19 Okt 2009 Asosiasaun dos Enfermeirus de Timor-Leste (AETL) hanesan parte integral hosi asosiasaun profesionais saúde nian ejize bá Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão atu substitui pozisaun Vise Ministra Saúde bá profesionais saúde seluk ne'ebé kompetente liu, tanba AETL deskobre katak, Vise Ministra Saúde, Madalena F.M.Hanjan Costa Soares halo abuzu podér tanba deskonfia Vise Ministra ne'e la foti desizaun imparsialidade tuir lei, uza podér hodi hasai no troka funsionariu sira la bazeia bá Dekretu Lei Nú. 19/2006, Dekretu Lei Nú. 27/2008 ou Lei Nú. 8/2004 no indikasaun balu tan ne'ebé AETL sita iha karta Preokupasaun Moral ne'ebé derije bá Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão datadu 02 Outubru 2009 hosi Prezidente AETL Luis M.R.F. Lobato. Maibé bainhira PM Xanana la foti desizaun tuir saida mak AETL ...